Evangelist Ken McDonald

AV 1611, The Book that runs the world

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Just a quick note to say that I have come a long ways on the book. It has turned out to be a much larger project than I expected. The title of this book is "Seven Years." The subtitle is Rightly Dividing Daniel's 70th Week.

I am starting to schedule meetings now, even though there is a ways to go on the book. But it is written, so now it is correcting and typesetting. I will be glad when it is finished!

Terri and I are doing well. She has just finished taxes, praise the Lord. Some years ago she was talking to a tax preparation lady who did ministers taxes. She told Terri, Evangelists are the hardest out of all of them.

Have had to repair some things on the RV, so for the most part all is running and ready to go.

Thank you for your prayers.
Bro. Ken

Well, it's only been three months since my last entry in the latest news. Wow!

As you can see, my preaching schedule is very empty. I have left it that way for now since I am working on another book. So far I am about one third of the way finished, but it is coming along. I had not planned on writing this book, but it seems like the Lord wants me to, so that is what I am working on right now.

I am open to schedule meetings, but as I am a one project at a time person, so I am working on this book right now. If any of you want to schedule a meeting just email or text me and we can work it out. I can talk on the phone, but it is still hard to talk on the phone. Thankfully I am able to preach and teach.

Terri and I are still, by the grace of God, in very good health. We are getting older, but the inward man is renewed day by day.

By the way, in case you hear things. I am not a Cavinist, nor a Charismatic, nor a Baptist Brider, and I still believe the King James 1611 is the inerrant words of God. I still believe that the Tribulation is 7 years long with all 7 of those years yet future, and none of the Tribulation has already taken place. I still believe that the Rapture will precede the start of Daniel's 70th week, with the week starting immediately after the Rapture.

Oh, and I still believe that Acupuncture, Yoga, Iridology, Aromatherapy, Homeopathy, and various other energy medicines are various forms of witchcraft. If you are using any of those various forms of fake "medicine" then you are not right with Jesus Christ. You are committing spiritual adultery on your Saviour, Jesus Christ by using other unclean spirits to heal your body.

I say that with Charity of course!
Bro. Ken McDonald
Jn 9:4

2. The Tribulation Length - Abomination that maketh desolate

Latest Article - 1. The Tribulation Length


The meetings have gone very well and by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ Terri and I keep rolling along. While at BBC Reedsburg we joined in having our picture taken. Pastor Chris was taking them for the church member list. No, we are not joining BBC Reedsburg, but the saints there are like family. They offered so we had our picture taken. As I was trying to relax my face Chris kept snapping and the following was "captured."

Ken-n-Terri Web 1

Ken-n-Terri web 2

Ken-n-Terri web 3

Ken-n-Terri web 4

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine…. Prov. 17:22